
Clinical Nurse Specialist
I am proud to have worked in CAMHS Eating Disorder services in a variety of roles since 2015.
Starting with Tier 4 General Adolescent in-patient unit,
I quickly found my passion working with teenagers specifically patients suffering from Eating disorders.
I then joined the Family Eating Disorder Service and helped run the home intervention team, before becoming the Ward Manager of Brighton and Hove specialist ED
in-patient Clinic. I have run several parent support groups and work with private patients online and in-person for the EDHC service.
Due to the recent rise in Eating Disorder presentations, I am determined to help bring a better understanding of this illness to professionals and family/friends alike.
I now offer healthcare settings, universities and other educational environments essential specialist training in Eating Disorders, Autism, safeguarding, trauma informed care and an introduction to managing mental health difficulties in young people.

Specialist Online Training
Our first online training course will be held on the 20th July for 2 hours.
The course will run for 6 weeks.
You do not need to attend all the sessions.
£85 for individual sessions
£500 for bundle of all 6 sessions

Week 1 | 20 July
What is Anorexia £85
What is my loved one experiencing
Psychological experiences and physical health complications
Starvation syndrome
Predisposing factors and co-morbidities
Seeking support from services- therapy non-involvement, no inpatient beds.
Week 2 | 27 July
Meal Support £85
What is meal support
What is my loved one experiencing at mealtimes?
Why structured mealtimes are important?
Biggest anxieties for carers around meal times
Creating a calming environment
Safety behaviours and how to challenge
Meal time principles and boundary setting
Things to say and not to say
Week 3 | 3 August
Family life with anorexia £85
FBT Guest speaker
The uninvited guest
Parents/carers experiences and challenges
Returning to education
Managing conflict and anxiety
Effects on siblings
Parental teamwork/boundary setting
Family based therapy
Week 4 | 10 August
Food and your body £85
Dietician guest speaker
Identifying nutritional needs
Food myths
Meal planning
Portion sizing
Diet culture, body image and social media
Understanding weight for height
Sensory difficulties/needs
Week 5 | 17 August
Motivational interviewing and stages of changes £85
What is motivational interviewing and why is it evidence based approach for ED suffers?
Cycle of change and action you can take at each stage
Expressing empathy
Developing discrepancy
Rolling with resistance
Supporting self-efficacy
Skills to promote change
Re-framing difficult conversations
Week 6 | 24 August
Lived experiences £85
Guest speakers - parent of a young person who has recovered.
A recovered young person
A recovered adult
6 Week Bundle